5 Treadmill Exercises to Lose Belly Fat: Get Quick Results

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Obesity is a serious health concern that affects many nations worldwide, but the United States has the most significant prevalence of obesity among all OECD countries. For the most part, excess pounds come from overeating and a lack of physical activity. In addition, everyday routines such as driving to work or simply moving from one location to another have been altered with machines like cars and escalators, decreasing the number of steps a person takes in a given day.

To help counter this trend, many Americans have begun to engage in regimens explicitly designed for exercises to lose belly fat. However, using standard workouts may not be enough. For example, a recent study found that when dieters used aerobic exercise alone, they lost fat mass and lean mass, which reduced their overall body fat percentage. However, when participants used tandem aerobic and resistance training programs, they lost only fat mass, preserving their lean muscle.

The incidence of obesity in the United States has increased gradually over the previous two decades, and there are no indications that it will decrease. Obesity is on the rise in the United States, affecting women more frequently than men and African Americans disproportionately more than others.

Image Source: Statista.com

No one wants to be overweight, but it’s an all too common occurrence. Many people try dieting and exercise to shed off the pounds, but getting rid of belly fat can be difficult. In addition, sometimes you need more than just a treadmill or weights- there are specific exercises that target your stomach muscles in particular! These 5 exercises will help you get started on your way to losing weight and having a flatter, toner stomach.

This blog post is about exercises to reduce belly fat and the best treadmill exercises for you. It includes different activities perfect for anyone looking to strengthen their core, improve balance, or get rid of excess weight to have a flat stomach!

In this article, I am going to discuss ten treadmill exercises to lose belly fat fast. These exercises will help tighten up all those pesky spots where we hold our most stubborn pounds, like the love handles and muffin tops, as well as working out any kinks there might be from long hours on your feet at work or sitting down during the day. After reading these tips, hopefully, you’ll be able to figure out which ones sound good enough (or bad enough) for you so you can get benefitted from the treadmill exercises to lose your belly fat fast.


Here are the Treadmill Workouts for Reducing Belly Fat:


Running on the treadmill will help you burn calories, reduce stress, and decrease the amount of fat stored in your tummy area. It will not only increase your fitness level, but it will make you more confident about what you wear!

Running at a moderate pace for 30 minutes is all that’s needed to start seeing benefits. After just two weeks on the treadmill routine, the best part is that you should notice some weight loss already taking place with these exercises to reduce belly fat fast.

Treadmill exercising helps you lose calories and speeds up your metabolism, which multi-tasks and helps you lose weight in other areas of your body.

It’s important to note that treadmill exercises are correctly done are crucial for a healthy form and belly fat, so make sure not to stay at the same speed or incline too long while exercising as this will cause strain on your joints and muscles; which can lead to injury!

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts

You can burn more belly fat by doing HIIT exercises such as sprinting or jumping rope, but these activities won’t cause you to lose weight. If your goal is to drop pounds and not just numbers on the scale, focus on a steady-state aerobic exercise like running at a moderate pace for 45 minutes or so.

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

One of the most popular research studies to date concerning very high-intensity interval treadmill exercise and its effects on health was conducted at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (Gibala et al., 2006).

The study’s primary goal was to see how practical interval training at a high intensity can be for overweight and obese individuals. The participants in the experiment consisted of sedentary but healthy men who were between 18-45 years old with an average weight of 185 pounds.

They trained three times per week, performing four intervals (of work) each time. The exercises included 15 seconds on followed by 45 seconds off (pulses), repeated eight times before taking a one-minute break during which they strolled around the room. They continued this pattern until they had done 16 pulses total or about 30 minutes straight!

A group that did not exercise served as controls and maintained their typical lifestyle, including dietary habits.

Cardio Exercises

Cardio is one of the most influential and well-known methods for burning belly fat among the fitness community other than known benefits against heart disease. Science has found that cardio exercises, such as running or cycling on a treadmill, can help you to lose belly fat.

Many studies that have examined aerobic exercise and its effects on the body show the fat-burning abilities of cardio to be particularly beneficial for your midsection (abdominals). Studies have found that resistance exercise eliminates more fat from the torso than does aerobic training. Still, to see these results, you’ll need to do cardio at a moderate pace for 90 to 120 minutes a week in addition to weight training.

As I said before, your body will burn more calories in a shorter period when involved in high-intensity intervals over low-intensity workouts because your heart rate is elevated much higher during this type of activity. It’s also been found that HIIT increases metabolism and helps you build muscle!

In addition, when done correctly, interval methods increase blood flow which allows oxygen and nutrients to be sent directly into muscles efficiently while removing waste products from muscle groups faster.


Walking is one of the best ways to burn calories, and it also helps keep your digestive system running smoothly. You can walk for a few minutes before breakfast, after lunch, and just before dinner when everyone’s stomachs are growling! Walk at least 20-30 minutes per day.

When walking, you can improve your cardiovascular health by performing the “talk test,” which is to walk at a pace that allows you to talk but not sing. If you can’t speak comfortably while walking or gasping for air, you should slow down. On the other hand, if you find yourself singing while walking, it means your body is more than likely fit enough and ready for an increase in speed!

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

If possible, make walking part of your daily routine every day; get up off the couch early in the morning and take advantage of any opportunity throughout each day to find time for some exercise (whether it be walking around while talking on the phone).

Exercising at Fat-Burning Heart Rate

If you want to reduce belly fat, you must exercise at a fat-burning heart rate. This means exercising with intensity and for an appropriate length of time to increase the number of calories you burn while also breaking down body tissue such as fatty acids from visceral fat stores to use for energy during exercise.

An excellent way to judge whether or not you are working out at the right intensity level is if, after twenty minutes on the treadmill (or any other cardio machine), your heart rate has increased by 20 beats per minute over its resting baseline value; this would be approximately equivalent to being able to talk but only just barely!

Your fat-burning heart rate is at about 70% of your maximum heart rate. This corresponds to a heart rate of 130-140 beats per minute or about 85% of your maximum heart rate. printing

Other Treadmill Exercises

Sprinting or running fast for 15-20 seconds followed by walking for 45-60 seconds is another excellent way to burn belly fat. It can be beneficial in losing stomach fat if you are performing other abdominal exercises as well. Improving your cardiovascular health is also an essential benefit of sprinting because it helps improve your overall endurance and stamina!

You can burn fat (and lose belly fat) by sprinting on a treadmill. First, set the treadmill to a fast walking pace and move as quickly as possible for one minute; then, slow down to an average speed and keep it there for about half a minute. Repeat this cycle until you’ve done eight minutes of sprint intervals (three-speed changes.)

Sprinting won’t cause you to lose weight, and neither will strength training, but combining the two increases your ability to gain muscle and burn calories. You can also make some interval-based trail running at varying speeds during an outdoor hike, which is excellent for burning fat and losing belly fat too!

Some other Workouts would help you lose Belly Fat:

Jumping Jacks

Try these jumping exercises while standing for a simple, quick workout you can do at home with almost no equipment. These exercises will help you to burn visceral fat and tone your legs.

Start by standing with good posture (shoulders back, abs in). Next, bend the elbows at a 90-degree angle so that they are close to the body. Next, jump straight up as high as possible from both feet while simultaneously raising one arm above head height and extending the other arm out for balance.

Land on both feet and jump again, jumping higher than before. Continue alternating arms each time you land until the complete set is completed or the desired number of repetitions is reached. Repeat this exercise ten times per side for an added challenge!

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat


Full-body workout

Opt for more whole-body workouts when dealing with a weight-loss mission. These workouts target all of your different body muscles, including those typically neglected in other types of exercise. That means that not only burning your abdominal fat but your body will also be working out more efficiently, and you’ll get the most bang for your buck when it comes time to shed those pounds.

Weight Training

Many people use weight lifting to help them lose belly fat. In addition, weight training builds muscle, and increased muscle in your body helps you burn calories at a higher rate than if you were to do cardio exercise alone.

The number of calories that weight lifting can burn is more than double that of running or jogging, and the best part is that you don’t have to spend an excessive amount of time in the gym doing aerobic exercises to see these results.

No more than 8-12 reps should be performed per set using weights with enough resistance, so it’s difficult for you to complete another repetition after 12; this way, you get the most benefits from each rep!

It’s important not to fall into the trap of overtraining by having too many sets and reps, leading to muscle loss. Instead, split your weight training into 2-3 sessions per week and perform between 4-8 sets depending on age, weight, experience level, and recovery ability.


This is another form of exercise that targets both your quads and glutes. This is an excellent exercise for toning the muscles of this area and working on balance.

Step-ups are also an excellent way to add weight loss into your quest because they will help you build muscle in those key areas that can make it more challenging to lose fat from them!


A lunge is a weight-bearing exercise that takes many forms, but in general, it involves one foot on the ground and another leg bent, so your knee bends past your toes.

This simple exercise has many benefits–not least of which is targeting the backside while strengthening other core muscles like our lower abs and obliques. And if we want a simple entire body workout, lunges offer us just that since so much muscle group gets targeted with this one move: butt, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, etc.

Lunges work our butt muscles and target quadriceps and hamstrings, which many exercisers neglect while exercising on machines or cardio workouts like running on a treadmill or bike. The same goes for bicycle crunches–often overlooked as an exercise on their own! But done right, these abdominal crunches improve the strength of lower abs and obliques and can be a great way to target the abs.

Bicycle Crunches

Lay face-up on your back, extending your arms from your hips, elbows bent and palms facing out. Slowly rotate abdominals in and up while moving shoulder blades off the ground to create tension in abdominal muscles as you bring legs closer together until they’re touching. Hold for five seconds before lowering back down slowly without letting ab muscles relax at the end of each rep. Aim for three sets of 15 repetitions per set with no rest between exercises.

To increase the intensity, you can also add weights by holding onto a medicine ball, which you can place on your chest, or hold onto a dumbbell between the legs.

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Pelvic Tilts

Lay flat on your back with knees bent and feet flat against the floor for support. Your lower back should be pressed against the ground as well to work abs better. Next, tilt the pelvis upwards while slightly lifting the head off the floor so that only shoulder blades are touching it.

Slowly go down until just before the spine starts to arch up again and the abdomen is fully contracted – this will give you an idea of what full contraction feels like. Aim for three sets of 15 repetitions per set with no rest between exercises.

If desired, abdominal muscles can also contract halfway through each repetition by pulling the belly button towards the spine during the second time you are upside down.

Repeat these exercises, but with resistance provided by a partner or elastic band.


Lay on your back and place your hands behind your head for support while your legs are extended out in front of you flat against the floor. Next, make sure to bend your knees extend past your hips to keep the spine in a straight line, and then arch it backward – as far as possible without feeling pain at neck – until shoulders come off the floor but do not touch the ground again before returning to start position. Aim for three sets of 20 repetitions per set with no rest between exercises.

Step-Ups onto Treadmill Desk

You can utilize the treadmill to reduce belly fat. To do this, stand next to the machine and put one foot on top of it. Then gradually shift your weight towards that foot and allow the other leg’s knee to bend naturally as you move closer.

Repeat three sets of each exercise and take a one-minute break between workouts to allow the heart rate to return to normal before continuing. However, feel free to rest for as long as you need if your body tells you it needs more time. Remember that this is only temporary soreness from working out after not doing so for a while!

Final Words

Treadmill workouts are the perfect way to exercise indoors during winter months or in areas where there is one season throughout the entire year. Of course, these exercises can also be done outside. Still, it’s important to remember that different muscles will engage depending on whether the body is stationary against a surface, like a bed or a treadmill belt, or moving through space and gravity, such as walking up a hill.

With that said, treadmill exercises to lose belly fat give us a great advantage. We can control our heart rate using different speeds and incline to increase intensity while giving our body time to recover by easing down once we reach higher rates counts available at checkout!


The information in this article is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Before beginning any new diet or exercise program, you should consult your doctor, including fitness programs like losing belly fat or working something with your upper body!

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