How to Replace a Treadmill Belt? A Comprehensive Guide

Wondering How to Replace a Treadmill Belt?

If your treadmill belt is worn out, or you want to upgrade to a better-quality walking belt, you’ll need to know how to replace it. This can be tricky, but with our step-by-step guide, you can do it quickly!

So if you have ever wondered how to replace a treadmill belt, this blog post is for you!


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Why should you change your treadmill belt?

You might want to change your treadmill walking belt for a few reasons. First, if the walking belt is worn out, it can cause the treadmill to run less smoothly and may even damage the motor over time. A new belt is much more durable and can handle higher speeds and weights.

Upgrading to a better quality new walking belt is also a good idea if you use your treadmill regularly. A good quality belt will last longer and provide a smoother, more consistent running surface.

Cause of Smoothness

Before you begin, it’s essential to make sure that the old belt is not smooth and not free of any defects. To do this, run your hand over the surface of the belt. The walking belt should be replaced if there are any bumps or irregularities.

Cause of Slippage

Ensuring the old belt slips while running on your treadmill’s walking belt is also essential. To test for slippage, start the treadmill slowly and gradually increase the speed until you’re running at your usual pace. If the worn walking belt starts to slip, it’s not tight enough, and you’ll need to adjust or change it.

Turn over The Deck To check

If you’re still not sure whether or not the old belt is not smooth enough, you can turn over the deck to check the bottom. To do this, first, make sure that the treadmill is turned off and unplugged. Then, flip the deck over and run your hand over the bottom of the belt. The belt should be replaced if there are any bumps or irregularities.

Cause of Lubrication

It’s also vital to ensure the old belt is adequately lubricated. To test for lubrication, start the treadmill at a slow speed and gradually increase the speed until you’re running at your usual pace. If the belt makes a noise or feels dry, it needs more lubricant or replaced.

These are the symptoms that will help you to find out whether your belt is to be replaced or not.

When should you change your treadmill belt?

Treadmill belts tend to wear out over time, mainly if used frequently. A good rule of thumb is to replace your treadmill belt every six months to a year, depending on how often you use it. If you notice that your belt is starting to show signs of wear (e.g., slipping or making noise), it’s probably time for a replacement.

Replacing your treadmill belt is also an excellent opportunity to upgrade to a better-quality belt. If you’re using an entry-level treadmill, upgrading to a higher-end belt can significantly improve performance and durability.

A person running on a treadmill belt

A step-by-step guide to changing your treadmill belt

If your treadmill belt is worn or damaged, it’s time to replace it. Here’s how:

What you’ll need:

  • A new treadmill belt
  • A screwdriver
  • An Allen key (if required)

How to do it

It is not rocket science at all to change a treadmill belt. Just follow the guideline we have given below.

1. Unplug the treadmill and remove the safety key

Please remove all the electrical connections from the treadmill, then unplug it. Next, remove the motor’s cover to expose its workings.

2. Raise the walking deck to its highest position

Raise the deck to change the belt smoothly.

3. Remove the motor cover and front roller guard

Remove the motor hood and unwrap the roller guard to do the work properly.

4. Use a socket wrench to loosen the front/ rear roller bolts

Using an Allen wrench, lose the roller adjustment Allen screw bolts to adjust the front and rear rollers.

5. Remove the front roller and old belt

Now remove the front roller and old treadmill running belt. Before doing it, you must check the walking belt tension.

6. Install the new belt on the front roller

It is time to install the new belt on the front roller.

7. Reinstall the front roller and motor cover

Don’t forget to reinstall the front roller and motor cover.

8. Lower the walking deck and plug in the treadmill

Now you can lower the deck and plug the treadmill.

9. Test-walk on the treadmill to make sure the new belt is working properly

It is time to take a test walk. If all is set well, your changing treadmill belt has finished.

A treadmill belt is very crucial

What type of belt do I need?

The first thing you must do is figure out what size belt you need. Treadmill belts are measured in two ways: length and width. The length is always measured in inches, while the width is usually in inches or millimeters.

You can usually find the length and width of your current belt printed on the underside. If not, you can measure it yourself with a tape measure. Just measure from the center of the belt to get an accurate measurement.

Once you have the length and width, you can shop for a new belt. It’s essential to get a belt the same size as your old one, or it won’t fit properly.

How long should you use a treadmill belt?

Treadmill belts are not built to last forever. Over time, they will start to show signs of wear and tear. Eventually, they will need to be replaced.

How often you need to replace your treadmill belt will depend on how often you use it. If you use your treadmill regularly, you should expect to replace the belt every six months to a year.

However, if you only use your treadmill occasionally, you may get away with replacing the belt every two years or so.

Why does Your treadmill belt not work?

There are many reasons for a treadmill belt to stop working suddenly. The most common cause is wear and tear. Over time, the belt will show signs of wear, such as fraying or cracks.

Another common cause of a broken treadmill belt is improper installation. If the belt is not installed correctly, it can come off the treadmill while using it.

Another possible cause of a broken treadmill belt is damage from foreign objects. For example, if you drop something on the belt, it can cause it to break.

Finally, a broken treadmill belt can also be caused by a malfunctioning motor or other treadmill parts. If any of the other treadmill components are not working correctly, it can cause the belt to break.

Cost of replacing a treadmill belt

The cost of replacing a treadmill belt will vary depending on the brand and model of treadmill you have. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 for a new belt.

However, some high-end treadmills can cost much more than that. For example, the belt on a Precor 9.27 treadmill can cost as much as $400.

Replacing a treadmill belt is not difficult, but it is essential to do it correctly. Measure the belt properly and buy a replacement that is the same size.

Also, follow your owner’s manual instructions carefully to avoid damaging the belt or other treadmill parts.

Buying a new treadmill or Replacing the belt: which one is better?

If your treadmill is over a few years old, it might be time to start thinking about buying a new one.

Treadmills are not built to last forever. Over time, they will start to show signs of wear and tear. Eventually, they will need to be replaced.

But you can replace the belt easily if the question is about the belt.

Final Words

Replacing your treadmill belt is a relatively simple process, but it’s important to do it carefully and correctly. With our step-by-step guide, you can replace your belt at any time.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please get in touch with us. We’re always happy to help!

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